Education for All: Disability, Diversity and Inclusion

Have you or a family member ever been excluded from any learning, social, or other activity - at work, at school or socially? You may remember how painful this experience was. Millions of children around the world are excluded from access to education because of a disability - their exclusion robs them of their potential and diminishes our society.

Image for course Education for All: Disability, Diversity and Inclusion, course begins April 4, 2016

„When we think about education for all. What is inclusion? Why discuss it? Inclusion is important because it implies an acceptance and a celebration of human diversity. It is about all of us. We need to contribute and participate and know that we’re making a difference in our communities and in the lives of others. It is through inclusion that we achieve education for all children in all their diversity."

Inclusive education is about addressing barriers to learning and participation and transforming school communities to allow them to really benefit from inclusion.

Access to education for children with disabilities has been a challenge in many countries, with problems ranging from lack of resources, discriminatory policies, cultural and social prejudice, as well as the lack of practical support for teachers and parents.

This course aims to help teachers, other professionals and parents to tackle inclusion, in a practical way, in their own environment.

In the words of American educator, Dr Kevin Maxwell, "Our job is to teach the kids we have. Not the ones we would like to have. Not the ones we used to have. Those we have right now…all of them.” This course will help you teach all of our children, right now.

More about this course and application forms can be found at:

Austrian Development Co-operation and Light for the World have funded creation of this web site With funding from Austrian Development Cooperation Light for the World